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Welcome to the brand new home of research into the historic town of Bolton


Our dedicated team of researchers are constructing a site that reflects the town from the earliest times to the present day.

We have drawn from every available source and tried to cross-check every entry.


It is highly probable errors and inconsistencies may filter through.


Please feel free to contact us so that these may be corrected or amended as appropriate.

​We welcome the memories and suggestions from our readers.

Please contact


We do not claim copyright for any of the work included in this project.

Our aim solely is to present to future researchers a base to commence their respective journeys.

In this age of the internet it is regrettable that the actual origins of any work are sometimes in question.

We have no wish to use original work without express permission and are happy to discuss any concerns.

All the photographs are the work of Bolton encyclopedia.

To assist our world-wide readership certain pages are available with some translations. 


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